Residential Swimming Pool Permit
Why do I need this permit?
A permit is required to ensure pools are built in a safe manner.
Swimming Pool:
Any body of water 12" deep or more, in an artificial/semi-artificial receptacle or container, above or below ground, intended for swimming or wading.
Pool Cover:
Safety cover, which can support at least 200 pounds of weight, attached to the pool or ground.
Unattended Pool:
A pool without a person at least 12 years old in charge.
How do I get this permit?
Review the guidelines below, then come into the building department with a drawing of where you would like to locate your pool. Please note variances can be permitted.
Residential Swimming Pool Requirements:
4 feet high with no openings greater than 4 inches; buildings and shrubs can be used as part of the fence. All gates must be self-closing with self-latching gates.
Pool locations on lots:
Minimum Requirements: (May apply for a variance)
- 60 feet from the front lot line
- 2 feet from the side and rear lot lines
- 8 feet from adjoining buildings
- 2 feet from fences (Exceptions can be made for corner lots)
Unattended Pools:
Less than 42 inches from the ground to the top of the pool edge MUST BE drained, covered or fenced in. The surrounding area must be clear of items which may permit entry into the pool. LADDERS must be removed or in the safety position.
How much does it cost?
The permit fee is $30.00 per pool.
What do I do once I get this permit?
Once the permit has been issued you may begin construction on your project. Once it has been completed or have reached any milestone outlined by the Building Inspector, the Building inspector will visit the site to ensure construction was completed to meet minimum code requirements.
Additional Documentation:
This information can change at anytime. If you have any questions or concerns prior to construction please contact one of our Building inspectors at (262) 636-9121.