Community Health
The City of Racine Public Health Department’s Community Health Division provides programs and services to improve the health of City residents and families.
Access to Health Care
Learn about health insurance and health care options in the Racine area.
Car Seat Inspections
Info about car seat inspections and how you may be able to receive a new, low-cost car seat.
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Keep your children safe from the dangers of lead poisoning.
Communicable Diseases Reportable disease information and other resources for health care providers.
Frequently Asked Questions Some of the most often asked questions about the Community Health Division.
Immunizations and
TB Skin TestsImmunizations for children and adults, as well as Tuberculosis (TB) skin tests.
Mail Me Condoms Have condoms and other safer-sex supplies mailed to your home at no charge.
Sexual & Reproductive Health Info about STIs/STDs, pregnancy testing, emergency contraception, birth control, and more.
Sharps Safely dispose of sharps, including syringes, lancets, and other sharp medical instruments.
Syringe Access Program Receive new needles, turn in used ones, and receive supplies such as Fentanyl test strips and Narcan.
Wisconsin Well Woman Program Preventive health screening services for women with little/no health insurance coverage.
COVID-19 Information Information about COVID-19
Local Options for Health Care, Immunizations, and STI Testing/Treatment
Other Resources for Individuals and Families
Racine County Family Resource Directory – Listing of agencies, organizations, and businesses that provide a wide range of social and community services.
Milwaukee County Safety Net Clinic – Referral Directory – A comprehensive guide to primary care, dental, mental, and specialty clinics dedicated to serving uninsured and underinsured individuals living in Milwaukee.
HIPAA Notice of Privacy Practices – Important information about the Public Health Department’s responsibilities for maintaining the confidentiality of protected health information and clients’ rights regarding their protected health information.