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Welcome to the Community Camera Program in Racine
This program aims to make your home and our community safer.
The City of Racine's Security Camera Pilot Program
The City of Racine recently launched a pilot program that provides a reimbursement for homeowners and businesses to purchase a NEW security camera.
This is a Pilot program and will only be available so long as funding lasts.
Requirements for Reimbursement
First, in order to qualify you must have completed and submitted the application form, your home/property must be free of building code violations or tax liens, and must be located within the city limits.
Do not purchase a camera system prior to application approval. Reimbursement will not be authorized under such circumstances.
Further requirements are listed on the program agreement forms.
Police will not have access to video footage and permission must be granted for access during an investigation.
Further Reading
To learn more about why and how to increase home or business security, go to "Why and How to Increase Home or Business Security v2"
Pilot Reimbursement Program
- The city gives a $150 reimbursement to participating homeowners to help pay for a security camera system. You must live in the home where you install the system.
- The city gives a $250 reimbursement to each participating business or commercial property owner to help pay for a security camera system.
Apply for a Reimbursement
If you’d like to apply for a reimbursement for your home, visit this site for more information:
Residential Reimbursement Information
If you’d like to apply for a reimbursement for your business, residential rental (owner of 4 or less units), or commercial property, visit this site for more information:
Business and Commercial Reimbursement Information
Register Your Existing Camera
The existing registration form provides a way for homeowners and businesses who already have a security camera system to register it with the Racine Police Department.
If you’d like to register your existing camera with the City of Racine, visit this site for more information:
Existing Camera Registration