Citizen Services
Anthony Lane COP House
Anthony Lane Community Oriented Policing House
Anthony Lane
Community Oriented Policing House
(262) 619-2511
In 2015, the newly expanded COP House located at 2437 Anthony Ln. was renamed in honor of Ernie and Bernice Styberg for their years of philanthropy and community support. The Stybergs served on the Board of Directors for the Racine Community Foundation, later serving as
members of the Racine Community Foundation Corporation.Included in the many organizations supported by the Styberg Foundation is the Policeman’s Ball, Cops N’ Kids Reading Center, Youth for Christ, and the local Fight to End Exploitation organization.
The Anthony Lane COP neighborhood (formerly Jacato Drive) was significantly transformed, and the quality of life for all residents of the Greater Racine Community was improved through the philanthropic support of Ernie and Bernice Styberg.
The Ernest and Bernice Styberg COP House is a Salvation Army Healthy Kids meal site and a Racine Neighborhood Watch monthly meeting location. Wisconsin Department of Correction Probation and Parole Agents are also stationed in this house. Check out the Racine Police
Department’s social media pages for announcements on annual Cops-N-Cuts back to school hair cut events, which occur here!Please contact Officer Travis Brady at 262-619-2511 or by email at
travis.brady@cityofracine.orgfor questions or information.