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LGBTQ Community
The LGBTQ liaison has been appointed to establish a closer, more effective dialogue between the citizens of Racine, the Police and the LGBTQ community. The City of Racine Police Department LGBTQ liaison is Deputy
Chief Jessie Metoyer.The LGBTQ liaison is committed to fostering positive relations between the LGBTQ community and the police by: - Providing a liaison for community members who may be crime victims, have information or issues of concern to the police department.
- Working with officers in areas with a large, visible LGBTQ community within them, to address concerns of that area.
- Assists in productive dialogue with detective units concerning LGBTQ related crimes.
- Works in partnership with other City departments, other law enforcement agencies and entities, and community based organizations, education and involvement in other LGBTQ related issues.
- Maintaining an interactive role in recruit based and in-service police trainings regarding the LGBTQ community.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Deputy
Chief Metoyer by calling 262-635-7759 or
emailing her directly.