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SAFE Vehicle
S.A.F.E. Vehicle
The Special Assignment Focused Enforcement Vehicle is deployed to address quality of life issues in the City of Racine. The SAFE Vehicle is equipped with specialized cameras that record the activities in the affected neighborhood to deter problems such as:
- Suspected Criminal Activity
- Loitering
- Disorderly Conduct
- Illegal Drug Activity
If you would like to request the SAFE vehicle to address a problem neighborhood, please complete the request form below.
S.A.F.E. Vehicle Request Form
Note this form is not meant to report a crime in progress.
If this is to report a crime please call dispatch directly at 262-886-2300 or via 911.
If you wish to remain anonymous you may call Crime Stoppers at 262-636-9330.
S.A.F.E. Vehicle Request Form
"*" indicates required fields