City of Racine Water Utility
Anjuman Islam, Ph.D.
Water Utility Director
Joel Brunner
Plant Superintendent
101 Barker Street
Racine, WI 53402
Phone: 262-636-9181
Fax: 262-636-3933
Water Main Breaks
24 hour emergency number
Phone: 262-636-9185
City of Racine, Water Rates
Effective October 26th, 2020
Authorized Rates for the City of Racine Water Utility:
Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Monthly 5/8 -inch meter $22.30 $7.43 4 -inch meter $205.00 $68.33 3/4 -inch meter $22.30 $7.43 6 -inch meter $360.00 $120.00 1 -inch meter $36.00 $12.00 8 -inch meter $555.00 $185.00 1 1/2 -inch meter $62.00 $20.67 10 -inch meter $815.00 $271.67 2 -inch meter $95.00 $31.67 12 -inch meter $1,050.00 $350.00 3 -inch meter $135.00 $45.00 Volume Water Charge:
First 15,000 cubic feet used quarterly – $3.11 per 100 cubic feet or 5,000 cubic feet used monthly Next 185,000 cubic feet used quarterly – $2.68 per 100 cubic feet or 61,667 cubic feet used monthly Over 200,000 cubic feet used quarterly – $2.41 per 100 cubic feet or 66,667 cubic feet used monthly Public Fire Protection Charges for Retail Water Customers:
Racine, Mt. Pleasant, Sturtevant, Elmwood Park and North Bay retail customers now pay for public fire protection as a direct charge on their water bills based upon meter size. This method is one of several options allowed by the Public Service Commission. The direct charges based upon water meter size
are shown below:Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Monthly 5/8 -inch meter $10.20 $3.40 4 -inch meter $254.98 $84.99 3/4 -inch meter $10.20 $3.40 6 -inch meter $509.96 $169.99 1 -inch meter $25.50 $8.50 8 -inch meter $815.94 $271.98 1 1/2 -inch meter $51.00 $17.00 10 -inch meter $1,223.91 $407.97 2 -inch meter $81.59 $27.20 12 -inch meter $1,631.88 $543.96 3 -inch meter $152.99 $51.00 Private Fire Protection Charge:
This customer service charge for commercial, industrial or public authority customers shall consist of permanent or continuous un-metered connections to the main for the purpose of supplying water to private fire protection systems such as automatic sprinkler systems, standpipes, and private
hydrants. This service shall also include reasonable quantities of water used for testing check valves and other back flow prevention devices.Quarterly Monthly 2 – inch or smaller connection $21.00 $7.00 3 – inch connection $36.00 $12.00 4 – inch connection $51.00 $17.00 6 – inch connection $102.00 $34.00 8 – inch connection $177.00 $59.00 10 – inch connection $252.00 $84.00 12 – inch connection $327.00 $109.00 14 – inch connection $402.00 $134.00 16 – inch connection $477.00 $159.00 Other:
Quarterly Residential Household Hazardous Waste Charge – $ .75
Download the complete
Racine Water PSC Rate Order here.