Yard Waste and prepared branches may be placed in the gutter area of the street ONLY DURING advertised Spring and Fall Leaf Collection. Branches must be cut in lengths less than 4 feet. No branch greater than 4 inches in diameter. Tied with rope or twine in bundles less than 2 feet in diameter
287.07 (2) of the Wisconsin Statues banned land-filling of yard waste beginning on January 3rd, 1993.
Yard waste means: uncontaminated leaves; grass clippings; yard and garden debris and brush, including clean woody vegetative material no greater than 4 inches in diameter excluding stumps; roots and shrubs with intact root balls. Yard waste containing solid waste, foreign matter.
Rules and Regulations:
Please Note:
Per section 82-32 of the Municipal Code, yard waste can only be placed along the curb-line / in gutters from October 1st through November 30th.
If yard waste is placed in the gutter outside of these time periods, a notice directing the resident of the abutting property to remove the yard waste within 24 hours will be delivered / posted to the front door of the abutting property. If the yard waste isn’t removed from the gutter within 24 hours, a Department of Public Works crew will remove the waste, and the abutting property owner will be billed for the labor, equipment and disposal costs incurred, per Sections
42-29 and
78-5 of the Municipal Code.