Environmental Health
Environmental Health FAQ
Why should I report an animal bite?Racine Municipal Ordinance Section 10-67 states “Any person having knowledge or reason to believe any dog, cat, or ferret has bitten a person, shall immediately report, so far as is known, the name and address of the owner of the animal and circumstances of such bite. Such report shall be made to the Racine Police Department.” non-emergency 262-886-2300
Why should I vaccinate my dog, cat, or ferret against rabies?Rabies vaccination protects pets and people: pets that are vaccinated against rabies are much less likely to contract the disease if bitten by an infected animal. Also, Racine Municipal Ordinance Section 10-65 requires a current rabies vaccination for all dogs, cats, and ferrets living within City limits.
Why do I have to license my pet?The City of Racine Code of Ordinances, Sections 10-36 through 10-40, requires all dogs, cats, and ferrets be licensed each year. Licensed pets are more easily reunited with their families should they become lost as the tag numbers are linked with their owner’s contact information. Check the Public Health Department’s Animals page for more information.
Where can I pick up a well water test kit?Well water test kits are available at the Department of Customer Service in Racine City Hall, 730 Washington Ave, Room 103. The kits are free of charge, but fees apply for each water test performed and vary based upon which testing lab is chosen. Call 262-636-9203 for more information.
Should I test my home for radon?All homes should be tested for radon. Radon is a colorless, odorless radioactive gas that can cause lung cancer. Short term and long term test kits are available at the Department of Customer Service in Racine City Hall, 730 Washington Ave, Room 103. See the Radon page or call 262-636-9203 for more information.
How do I find a certified radon mitigation contractor?The Wisconsin Department of Health Services maintains a listing of Certified Radon Measurement and Mitigation Contractors.
How do I report sick or dead wildlife?Please visit the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) website to report sick or dead wildlife: https://dnr.wisconsin.gov/topic/WildlifeHabitat/wildlifehealth.
How do I file a complaint against a nail salon?Nail salons and manicurists are licensed through the State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS). Complaints should be directed to DSPS and can be submitted online, faxed to 608-226-2264, or emailed at dsps@wisconsin.gov
Can I sell food from my home?No, a permit and a commercial grade kitchen is needed to make and sell food directly to consumers, with very limited exceptions: home-canned foods. Specifically, fruits or vegetables that are either naturally acidic or acidified by pickling or fermenting, and that have a pH of 4.6 or lower. Annual sales must total $5,000 or less, and the goods can be sold only at community or social events or farmers’ markets. The State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) has more information, or call the Environmental Health Division at 262-636-9203.
How do I obtain a permit to sell food?Contact the Environmental Health Division at 262-636-9203 or Racine City Hall, 730 Washington Ave, Room 103.
Can I sell baked goods from my home?The State of Wisconsin provides an exemption for people baking out of their homes. The exemption applies to baked goods that are not-potentially hazardous and sold directly to consumers. These requirements must be met or a permit and commercial kitchen is required to operate the business. For more information, visit the State of Wisconsin’s Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection (DATCP) page for Home Bakers or contact the Environmental Health Division at 262-636-9203.
How can I report unhealthy housing conditions?Issues inside the home can be reported by submitting the Rental Property Health Complaint Form on the Public Health Department website. Issues on the outside of the home should be reported to the City of Racine Building Department at 262-636-9464 or by submitting the Rental Property Building Complaint Form.
There are bedbugs in my apartment. Who do I call to get rid of them?The Public Health Department does not treat or exterminate bedbugs as they do not carry or transmit disease and are considered to be a nuisance pest. Call your landlord to report the bedbugs. Here are some tips on how to reduce bedbugs in your home.
There is mold in my apartment.The Public Health Department does not test, remove, or treat for mold. If you are concerned about the type of mold, you may purchase a test kit from most hardware store; samples of the mold are mailed to testing laboratories to confirm what type(s) of mold are present.
Regular, non-toxic, mold can be removed by cleaning the area thoroughly. Refer to the Mold Toolkit and Cleaning Mold in Your Home for information on cleaning and prevention in your home. If the mold is the result of a water leak from the roof, window, or pipe, submit a complaint by completing the Rental Property Health Complaint Form or the Rental Property Building Complaint Form. Call the Environmental Health Division at 262-636-9203 for more information.