District #12 News Item

Fall Edition 2024

School is back in session!! We are working on getting traffic control devices for Starbuck School. Starbuck recently had its ribbon cutting. Please slow down any time you see children on the sidewalks.

Very important elections are coming up very soon. The 12th District votes at Starbuck school. They have assured us that there will be no problems with access.

The Racine App from Google Play and the Apple Store is available. It will automatically let you know when your garbage pick up day is and any other public works activities.

Garbage pickup may be delayed during the day. It took about 5 years to create a plan for garbage pick up knowing that the garbage dump was filling up. DNR rules caused it to close. Due to less employees in the City it may take longer to get your garbage picked up but it will get picked up by the end of the day.

Interested in what is being decided in the City.? Check out Legistar. https://cityofracine.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx. This is where you will find all agendas, minutes and recorded videos of the minutes. You can also watch “Live” on Facebook at the City of Racine webpage. We have about 30 different committees. There are openings. Feel free to apply if you are interested in being on a committee. You can apply at cityofracine.org<http://cityofracine.org>.

Party on the Pavement is happening on Saturday September 21st, from noon to 7 pm. Downtown main street will get closed off for this party. Thousands are expected to attend. It is the City’s premiere party event.

Festival Park is under new management and has been upgraded from last year. It is available for all your party and event needs. Come on down and check it out.

The budget is being proposed for the next year in the month of October. Come to City Hall and express your concerns. You have 3 minutes to express your concerns about any subject that affects the City.


Feel free to call me but if you can text it is better. You can get a hold of me at 305-989-6147.