Public Health Department
Main: 262-636-9201
Community Health: 262-636-9431
Environmental Health: 262-636-9203
Fax: 262-636-9564
After-hours Public Health Emergencies:262-886-2300
730 Washington Avenue
Racine, WI 53403
Administration &
Community Health DivisionMonday – Friday
8:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
Environmental Health Division
Monday – Friday
8:00 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
1:00 P.M. – 4:30 P.M.
Community Health
Mail Me Narcan
Narcan® (brand name of the drug naloxone) is an over-the-counter medication that helps to reverse the effects of an opioid or opiate overdose. Narcan nasal spray is safe, effective, and
easy to use when responding to an overdose. Anyone can carry Narcan and save a life.The City of Racine Public Health Department wants to ensure equitable access to Narcan for everyone in our community. We provide several convenient options for receiving Narcan nasal spray in our Hope Kits, which are available:
- Through Mail Me Narcan, this new program.
- At our Harm Reduction Program, located at 730 Washington Avenue (Room 4) in Racine, available Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm (excluding holidays). Additional Syringe Access services, testing, and referrals available here.
- From our Public Health Vending Machine, located within the Corinne Reid Owens Transit Center at 1409 State Street / 1375 Liberty Street in Racine. The Transit Center is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm.
- Through group presentations and educational sessions, such as with businesses, churches, and schools. Those interested in receiving group education sessions and Narcan or Hope Kits should email
There is no charge for any of the above options.
Hope Kit Contents
Hope Kits available through Mail Me Narcan and our in-person options include:
- Two doses of Narcan nasal spray
- Fentanyl test strips, supplies, and instructions
- A pocket CPR mask
- Local referral and service information
Program Restrictions
- Mail Me Narcan is limited to individuals residing in Racine County, WI.
- The program is only for individuals; agencies or businesses interested in group sessions should email
publichealth@cityofracine.org. - The program is limited to one mailing per person, per month. If more supplies are needed, visit the Harm Reduction Program or Public Health Vending Machine; information listed above.
If you are seeking condoms or other safer sex supplies through the mail, check out our
Mail Me Condoms program.Complete the form below to request a Hope Kit containing Narcan nasal spray. Fill out the form completely, then click the button at the bottom to submit your request.
Click here for mobile friendly direct form link
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