News Item

3/9 to 3/10 Snow Emergency

posted on Thursday, March 09, 2023.

Per Section 94-216 of the municipal code, I am declaring a Snow Emergency in the City of Racine from 6:00PM on Thursday, March 9, until 12:00 noon Friday, March 10, 2023 to aid the city’s snow removal operations. The National Weather Service is predicting a significant snowfall during this period of time

This means there shall be no parking permitted on either side of the city’s arterial and collector streets. As always, alternate side parking will be in effect from 2:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m., per City Ordinance. Vehicles parked in violation of these restrictions will be ticketed, and subject to towing

Again, a Snow Emergency is in effect from 6:00PM on Thursday, March 9 until 12:00 noon Friday, March 10. Parking restrictions during this period will allow crews to remove as much snow as possible from city’s streets.