How Can I Use Store Transport
How can I use my hazardous products properly?
- Always follow the directions on the label. Ask the dealer or manufacturer to provide more explanation if needed.
- Never use more of the product than is recommended.
- Never mix products; this can lead to explosions or poisonous gas being released.
- Use hazardous products in well-ventilated areas and always use gloves, eye protection and air purifying respirators whenever warranted.
- Never eat, drink or smoke where hazardous products are being used.
How can I store my hazardous products properly?
- Keep products in their original containers. If you do have to use a different container be sure to label adequately in case of poisoning and for safe use and disposal.
- Store all hazardous products upright, tightly sealed, and away from pets, children and food.
Transporting Your Household Hazardous Waste
- NEVER MIX DIFFERENT CHEMICALS! Toxic fumes or an explosion can result.
- Leave waste products in their original containers, and make sure caps and/or lids are securely closed. Gasoline is highly flammable and should only be transported in purpose-designed gasoline cans or containers. Do not transport hazardous wastes in the same part of your vehicle as children or pets.
- If the original container is leaking or damaged, place the entire container in a larger container such as a clean paint can, plastic bucket, or wrap securely with plastic. If you wrap up a container so that the original label cannot be seen, mark the contents to the best of your ability, and be sure to
tell the collection staff what the contents are.
- Separate different types of waste, such as oil based paints, motor oil, batteries, pesticides, acids, etc. Place containers upright in sturdy cardboard boxes or plastic trays, and pad with newspaper. You may also want to line your car with plastic before you pack the car.
- Put containers in the trunk or rear of your car, not on passenger seats. Come straight to the Household Hazardous Waste facility to avoid any problems with the waste.
- Don’t eat, drink or smoke while handling household hazardous wastes. Wash your hands after handling these materials.
- Never put HHW into trash bags or trash cans, lids can come off causing chemicals to mix and possibly creating dangerous reactions