City of Racine Water Utility
Anjuman Islam, Ph.D.
Water Utility Director
Joel Brunner
Plant Superintendent
101 Barker Street
Racine, WI 53402
Phone: 262-636-9181
Fax: 262-636-3933
Water Main Breaks
24 hour emergency number
Phone: 262-636-9185
Payment Options
Online Payment Options
Pay by credit card, a 2.9% processing fee will be applied or pay by checking or savings account, with $.45 processing fees.
Or call 1-877-390-7368
ACI Payments
Pay by credit card only, a $5.50 processing fee will be applied,
https://www.acipayonline.com Please use jurisdiction code 5894
Or call 1-800-272-9829.
Automatic Withdrawal via Checking / Savings Account
If you are interested in paying your water and sewer bills directly through an ACH (Automatic Clearing House) transaction, please click on the “Direct Payments” link below. Just print the form and fill it out. Or contact our office at (262) 636-9181 and we will mail you a form.
You may choose to have your direct payment made from either a checking or savings account. If you choose a checking account, please attach a voided check.
Your payment will be deducted from your account on the due date of your bill and for the balance owed as of that date. If the bill due date falls on a Sunday or bank holiday, your transaction will occur on the next business day. Please allow 30 days for processing.
You may drop off or mail the completed form to:
Racine Water and Wastewater Utilities
800 Center Street, Room 227
Racine, WI 53403
Pay your bill automatically each quarter with ACH
For Billing and Search Inquiries email water.search@cityofracine.org
By Mail
Make all checks payable to: Racine Water Utility
Our lock box address is:
Water & Wastewater Utilities
P.O. Box 14247
West Allis, WI 53214
In-Person Payments
Drop Box Available 24hrs – located outside of City Hall-Annex Building
Payments can be made in person at the following locations:
City Hall Annex Room 227
800 Center Street
Racine, WI 53403
Tri City Bank
There is no extra fee, you must have payment stub with you
- 2704 Lathrop Ave
(262) 554-5550
Please contact us with any questions or concerns 262.636.9181
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 8:00 A.M. – 4:55 P.M.