Capital Improvement Planning
Capital Improvement Plan
The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) serves as the City’s multi-year planning instrument used to identify needs and financing sources for public infrastructure improvements. The purpose of a CIP is to facilitate the orderly planning of infrastructure improvements; to maintain, preserve, and protect the City’s existing infrastructure system; and to provide for the acquisition or scheduled replacement of equipment to ensure the efficient delivery of services that the community desires. The goal is to use the CIP as a tool to implement the City’s various Master Plans, goals, objectives, and policies and to assist in the City’s financial planning.
The CIP plays an important role by providing the link between planning and budgeting for capital expenditures. The CIP planning process occurs prior to the budget process as the CIP will be used to develop the capital portion of the budget. It is important that the various City departments come together to collectively plan for the long-term goals of the City of Racine in a way that is beneficial to the public and is cost effective with sacrificing the quality of living for residents.
The CIP document includes several areas of projects: street improvements, water & sewer improvements, city parks and facilities improvements, information technology, and vehicles/equipment / other.
The approved CIP documents are available below: