- City Plans
- Impact Areas
- Business Toolbox
- Community Development
- Economic Inclusion
- Housing Improvement Programs
- Historic Preservation
- Fair Housing
- Development & Building Regulation
- Development Review Schedules
- Boards and Committees
- Request for Proposal
- Staff Directory
- Development Projects
- Housing Affordability Analysis
- New Housing Fee Report
Business Toolbox
The City of Racine through its Department of City Development offers numerous resources for residents and businesses. We can assist you with your business relocation or expansion plans. Or if you’re someone looking to move their home or business to Racine,
see Real Racine’s
Relocation Guide that provides information on moving to “America’s Kringle Capital.” We can also assist you with purchasing or improving your home through our housing programs.Browse through the navigation below to see what programs and services are available.
- Redevelopment Authority
- Business Improvement Districts
- Business Assistance & Incentives
- Brownfield Redevelopment
- Tax Increment Financing and Districts
- Business Development Brochures
- Key Partnerships (RCEDC, RAMAC, & Downtown Racine)
Business Improvement Districts