Help keep Racine’s neighborhoods safe

The Warrant Reduction Program is designed to keep Racine safe and fiscally sound. The program is two-fold. First and foremost, citizens with information regarding homicide cases or other violent offenses are encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers of Racine County by calling 888-636-9330. In some cases, rewards will be offered for tips leading to the arrest of violent offenders. Second, to keep our city financially sound, local government officials are currently seeking to recover the large amount of unpaid fines and forfeitures which recently exceeded $6 million. Some felony warrants listed on this website will require in-person appearance only in Circuit Court; however, most warrants may be conveniently cleared in person by paying online at this website or at the police department public service counter (730 Center St., Racine).

To help keep Racine safe and financially sound, area residents are encouraged to contribute to this effort by reporting any information that will assist in locating those listed within this site.

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