Citizen Services
Mead Street COP House
Mead Street Community Oriented Policing House
Mead Street
Community Oriented Policing House
(262) 635-7862
In 1996, through the support of a major grant from the Racine Community Foundation, the very first newly constructed COP House (1750 Mead St.) was named in honor of William Wadewitz. As an active member of the Greater Racine Community, William Wadewitz gave freely of his time, talent, and
resources to make Racine a better place to live.In addition to serving as a leader within the business community, William Wadewitz supported the public safety mission of the Racine Police Department through his service as a member on the Racine Police and Fire Commission.
Through a major charitable gift to the Racine Community Foundation (William R. Wadewitz Charitable Foundation), over one million dollars has been allocated to various Racine area non-profit organizations. The Racine Community Foundation continues to administer funds from the William R.
Wadewitz Charitable fund in the interest of fulfilling his vision of improving the quality of life for all residents of the Greater Racine Community.Our community is a better place due to the life and legacy of William Wadewitz.
The Wadewitz COP House is a Salvation Army Healthy Kids meal site, and hosts monthly Racine Neighborhood Watch meetings. Gamester’s Bay video game nights are also hosted here. Please contact Officer Brinelle Nabors at 262-635-7862 or via email at
Brinelle.Nabors@cityofracine.org for inquiries and concerns.